With the financial assistance of £15,000 from the Body Shop Foundation through the efforts of the United Kingdom Ambassador in El Salvador, Bernhard Garside and the institutional support of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the first Marine Turtle First Aid station was built. The SOS began operations in August 2017. It is located on Calle principal San Blas, pasaje 3, sector U-03, Playa San Blas, La Libertad, in an area ceded by the Municipality of La Libertad to FUNZEL and shared in association with the Tortuguero Association of San Blas - ACOTOMSAB. The S.O.S provides first aid to adult turtles found wounded, sick or victims of human aggression either by fishing inadequate or to extract their eggs or part of their body.
The First Aid station is equipped with two small pools and basic veterinary medical equipment that serves for the recovery and attention of the species. It has a small veterinary clinic and two rooms to host the technical staff in charge of the patients and voluntary visitors. This Station has a capacity of attention of two specimens simultaneously.
Each year FUNZEL, together with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, assists for 9 to 12 marine turtles mainly of the species Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and occasional Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Green (Chelonia mydas) specimens.