Wildlife Rescue Center

FUNZEL works in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), which is the wildlife government authority for El Salvador. In our facilities, we have a first aid area to receive wildlife listed as threatened or in danger of extinction. The specimens after receiving veterinary treatment, cure and rehabilitation and, according to their status, are sent to the MARN who is responsible for their subsequent release or other destination, depending on each case.

In the past FUNZEL managed a sophisticated rescue and rehabilitation center within the San Luis Farm, Santa Tecla, thanks to the kindness of Mrs. Maly Guirola. The 2001 earthquake forced the closure of this center. We hope to rebuild the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center again in a place that is FUNZEL's own.

FUNZEL raises awareness among of the importance of wildlife for the development of El Salvador, fostering compliance with legal regulations, combating the illegal possession of wild animals, especially those that are threatened or in danger of extinction, and presenting economic alternatives for the populations that are dedicated to the sale and illicit trade. Thus, FUNZEL works in support and coordination with the governing authorities to apply the Wildlife Law and the International and Regional Agreements and Agreements on the subject. FUNZEL in its 24 years of work has concentrated actions in the following groups of terrestrial and semi-terrestrial vertebrates have been and continue to be the most affected by the illicit trade and the disappearance of natural forests, as is the case of the guaras and jaguars.


Three wild felines and one extinct cat are recorded in El Salvador: tigrillo (Leopardus wiedii), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), yaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) and jaguar (Panthera onca). The populations of these species in the country are small because of the small size of the territory and natural spaces in the country, which limits their reproduction.


Parrots and parakeets. The great majority of parrots and parakeets in captivity are product of illegal trade. These species are still illegally traded, especially the parakeets and Yellow-Naped parrot, which is an emblematic species of El Salvador.


It is a group included within the reptiles, however, it has a special interest in El Salvador where in 2009 an executive decree prohibited the consumption of eggs or parts of sea turtles. FUNZEL supports compliance of this regulation, together with other NGOs and actively participate in the National Sea Turtle Conservation Program in support of MARN.


Iguanas, lizards, snakes, tortoises and marine turtles, crocodiles and caimans, these last two inhabitants of mangroves and bodies of water, are chased by their skin.